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anti-dropping device中文是什么意思

用"anti-dropping device"造句"anti-dropping device"怎么读"anti-dropping device" in a sentence


  • 防坠装置


  • Txs2 - 5sd roll - up type anti - dropping device txs2 - 5sd roll - up type anti - dropping device
    产品名称: txs2 - 5sd卷收防坠器
  • Anxin brand txs2 - 5sd anti - dropping device roll - up type anti - dropping device is the 6th generation of individual anti - dropping article developed by our factory on the basis of absorbing domestically and internationally advanced technology
    安心牌txs2 - 5sd防坠器卷收式防坠器,是本厂吸收国外先进技术基础上开发成功的第6代个体防坠落用品。
  • In time of use of this product , it is only required to make hanging rope cross above solid structural object with truncated edge , hang ring - shaped hook on hanging rope inside the upper interface and circular ring of anti - dropping device , and then hang the ring - shaped hook of roll - up safety belt inside the semi - circle ring on safety belt
用"anti-dropping device"造句  
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